AER – the Association of European Radios – is the voice of commercial radios in Europe. It is the trade body representing and defending the interests of thousands of private/commercial radio stations across Europe.
AER’s main objectives are:
- to develop the most suitable framework for private commercial radio activity. AER constantly follows and contributes to EU actions in the fields of media, digital, advertising, copyright, telecommunications and private radio transmission, in order to contribute, enrich and develop the radio sector.
- to promote the diffusion and the use of new technologies in radio transmission.
- to encourage co-operation between its Members and with other European radio stations and associations, in order to preserve and develop freedom of speech, freedom of enterprise, private initiative and protection of listeners as well as securing future distribution of radio in all listening environments.
AER is composed of commercial radio national associations and companies operating commercial radios whose target is to promote commercial and private radio broadcasters’ interests in Europe and to offer technical assistance to its Members. Today, AER is represented in Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and UK. AER also counts Radioplayer Worldwide as am Associate Member.
AER actively contributes with its presence in Brussels to the European Institutions’ working process.
AER is member of :
- the WorldDAB Forum;
- WSP (Wider Spectrum Group);
- AIG (Advertising Information Group);
- EIF (European Internet Forum);
- EDAA (European interactive Digital Advertising Alliance);
- EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance).
AER is partner of Radiodays Europe and UNESCO Committee for World Radio Day.
AER is currently an observer at the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation).
AER supports the World Radio Alliance, an initiative by egta to promote the marketing power of audio and share best practices.