Corinna Drumm, Managing Director of the Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Austria (VÖP), was unanimously elected Vice-President at AER’s General Assembly on Wednesday 9th of October. Corinna Drumm has been a member of the AER Executive Committee since 2012.
Stefan Möller, President of AER and CEO of Radiomedia Finland welcomed AER Members’ decision and said: “I am delighted that with Corinna Drumm AER gets a highly qualified and highly committed fighter for commercial radio to its top management. Corinna’s expertise in radio and inputs from the perspective of a smaller member state with a particularly active radio scene is extremely valuable to AER“.
Corinna Drumm: “The radio industry is facing challenging times. In order to continue to offer listeners attractive programmes and services, broadcasters need not only to be innovative, they also need future-oriented and flexible framework conditions. Ensuring fairness and equal opportunities towards international big players such as YouTube or Amazon Prime is an important issue, especially at the European level. I see a lot of potential here in the planned ‘Digital Services Act’. I am looking forward to supporting AER even more in the future to achieve these goals.“
Ernst Swoboda, President of VÖP: “International networking is more important than ever for the radio industry today. Therefore, we have intensified the cooperation between VÖP and AER in recent years. The fact that Corinna Drumm was unanimously elected Vice-President of the AER is an impressive sign of the recognition of her competence by her European colleagues.“