Market concentrations affecting the media environment

European associations representing the breadth of Europe’s commercial media sector, called on EU’s trialogue negotiators for the full and explicit inclusion of very large online platforms and search engines in the scope of Article 21 and 22 of the European Media Freedom Act on market concentrations affecting media pluralism. Read the full joint statement below.

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Preserving a pluralistic European media landscape and the viability of commercial media in the EMFA

A coalition of European associations representing tens of thousands of commercial media brands, newspapers, magazines, radio and broadcasters across the EU, called on EU’s trialogue negotiators to protect the viability of commercial and independent media in the European Media Freedom Act. The EMFA primary objective of promoting and securing media pluralism and independence across the […]

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Media sector calls on MEPs to support the CULT compromise package in EMFA plenary vote

Ahead of the vote on 3 October, associations from both commercial and public media called on all MEPs and political groups to support the CULT compromise package on the European Media Freedom Act during the plenary vote and to refrain from supporting amendments that are not part of the CULT compromise package, and particularly from […]

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Media sector urges to vote in favor of Article 17 of the CULT report on the EMFA

Ahead of October plenary, European media organisations representing thousands of media outlets, journalists, and media workers – urge MEPs to protect editorial outputs from unjustified and arbitrary actions by big tech platforms and to vote in favor of the compromise amendment on Article 17 as adopted by the CULT committee on 7 September. A meaningful […]

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For radio, the best is yet to come: strong messages from European radio industry’s leaders in Zagreb

The Croatian Radio Forum Association (HRF) and the AER organised the conference “Radio the most trusted medium: why people turn to radio and why it remains the most trusted source over time” in Zagreb, bringing together radio advertisers and professionals from across Europe. The event was kicked-off by the Director General of the HRF and […]

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The WSG asks the Council to defend the ‘No Change’ at WRC-23

The Wider Spectrum Group asks the Council to preserve the current UHF Band allocation by defending No Change at WRC-23. While recognizing the value of considering a secondary mobile allocation in view of envisaging a compromise with the minority of Region 1 countries who insist on a change in regulations, the Wider Spectrum Group calls […]

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European roundtable on diversity and inclusion in the audiovisual sector – Friday 2 June 2023, Paris, France – 10:00 to 15:30 CET

  Join us on Friday 2 June 2023 in Paris (10:00 to 15:30) for a European conversation on diversity and inclusion in the audiovisual sector. REGISTER HERE The event is organised by the European social partners*, sector organisations representing workers (cast and crew, as well as journalists) and employers (commercial and public broadcasters, producers) in […]

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World Press Freedom Day: media sector calls for protection of journalists and sources under the EMFA

In the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, a coalition of media organisations and broadcasters – including AER – called for strengthening article 4 of the proposed European Media Freedom Act to better protect journalists and their sources against any threat to their independence and security to ensure effective journalism and editorial freedom.

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The next wave of radio: Exploring the power of AI and GPT technology in broadcasting – Radiodays Europe

Based on presentation by Daniel Anstandig – Founder and CEO of Futuri – at Radiodays Europe Prague‘s session “The next wave of radio: Exploring the power of AI and GPT technology in broadcasting” – 27 March 2023 “What if radio was created after the internet?” asked Daniel Anstandig, CEO and Co-Founder of Futuri the company […]

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The future of radio in-car: The power of partnerships – Radiodays Europe

Based on discussion at session hosted by Radioplayer at Radiodays Europe – 27 March 2023 The in-car entertainment experience is seeing unprecedented change driven by internet connectivity and new technology. In amongst the tsunami of new apps and services, Radio remains the most popular audio source in the car. How can broadcasters stay in control […]

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