Radioplayer is a radio technology platform, owned by UK radio broadcasters and operated under licence in some other countries. It operates an internet radio web tuner, a set of mobile phone apps, an in-car adaptor, and a growing range of integrations with other connected devices and platforms. Radioplayer is operated by UK Radioplayer Ltd which […]

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The Estonian Broadcasting Association is a non-governmental non-profit organization that promotes national broadcasting culture and represents the interests of radio and television organizations. The union has 10 members (2 TV and radio organizations and 8 radio organizations) who pay membership fees. ERL members are broadcasters, not stations, of which one organization can have several. Practically […]

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European broadcasters call on WIPO Member States to adopt the Broadcasting Treaty to fight piracy of broadcast signal

In preparation to the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related rights: Forty-Fifth Session starting on April 15 in Geneva (Switzerland), European commercial and public service broadcasters, both TV and radio, have called the Member States of the WIPO SCCR to convene a Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the WIPO Broadcasting Organizations Treaty to […]

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“40 years on” : celebrating 40 years of private broadcasting in Germany

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of private radio broadcasting in Germany, VAUNET will host a session at Radiodays Europe Munich on the role of radio in the future of news consumption. 2024 has also been declared the “Year of News” by a joint nationwide media initiative (#UseTheNews). In today’s digital news world, it […]

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Radiodays Europe Munich: what NOT to miss

Radiodays Europe is around corner with its insightful programme and line-up of brilliant speakers. Here’s an AER selection of unmissable sessions: Monday 18 Tuesday 19 ..and MORE! Full programme at ABOUT Radiodays Europe Munich: Radiodays Europe is the event in the Radio, Podcast and Audio World bringing together over 1,300 visitors from 65 countries […]

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Industry strongly concerned for Apple’s proposed scheme for DMA compliance

34 companies and associations operating across a wide range of digital sectors, including aviation, publishing/press, gaming, commercial radios , audio streaming, applications software, communications, marketing, payment, fintech, crypto and marketplaces, wrote a joint letter to EVP Vestager and Commissioner Breton to express their deep concerns about Apple’s proposed scheme for compliance with the Digital Markets […]

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World Radio Day 2024: Celebrating Radio, the Trusted Guide in a Changing World

UNESCO, together with AER, EBU, and 12 world industry associations, has prepared a joint statement ‘Radio, the Trusted Guide in a Changing World’ on the importance of radio as a trusted source of timely and reliable news, companionship and education all over the world and of protecting radio’s accessibility to everyone, everywhere and via all […]

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The long-term viability of radio is at risk: open letter from radio broadcasters on the regulation of user interfaces under the EMFA

A coalition of radio broadcasters wrote an open letter calling EU’s trialogue negotiators for urgent regulation of user interfaces under article 19.   Stefan Möller, President of the AER, said: “the EMFA is a crucial opportunity to enshrine in legislation the support that EU lawmakers recognise is necessary to secure the future of radio and […]

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Media Sector calls on the EMFA Negotiators to support a strong Article 17

Brussels, 28 November 2023   Tomorrow’s trilogue will be decisive to determine the final shape of most provisions of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). At this critical conjunction, we – the undersigned European organizations representing media outlets, journalists, and media workers – join together to call on you to protect legal editorial content from […]

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