The German Media Association, Verband Privater Medien e. V (VAUNET), was founded in 1990 after the merger of two associations: the BPRT (Federal Association of Private Broadcasters and Telecommunication) and the BKS (Association of Cable and Satellite). Previously called VPRT (first Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation, later Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien), the Association became VAUNET on May, 21st 2018.

VAUNET represents the interests of more than 150 companies in the fields of television, radio and telemedia including video- and audio-on-demand services, user generated content platforms, social media and teleshopping.

VAUNET is a registered non-profit association. It has five main bodies: the general assembly, the board of directors, two executive committees in the respective areas: Radio, Audio Services, Television and Multimedia as well as an advisory committee, the Technology and Innovation Forum.

VAUNET represents the interests of its members on a national, EU and international level. Like AER its main objective is to develop the most suitable legal framework for private commercial radios. VAUNET follows EU and national political developments in the fields of media, advertising, telecommunication, copyright and private radio transmission in order to contribute, enrich and develop the radio sector. VAUNET negotiates and concludes framework agreements with collecting societies as well as with cable operators and advises its members on technical, legal, economic and media policy issues.

VAUNET headquarters are in Berlin with currently 14 staff members. VAUNET also has an office in Brussels. VAUNET is a founding member of AER.


CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Claus Grewenig (RTL Deutschland)

VICE CHAIRMAN (Radio and Audio Services): Marco Maier (Radio/Tele FFH)

VICE CHAIRMAN (TV and Multimedia): Dr. Michael Müller (ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE)

TREASURER: Kristina Freymuth (Sky Deutschland)

Dr. Nina Gerhardt (RTL Radio Deutschland)

Sonja Schwetje (RTL Deutschland)

Christian Berthold (Antenne Thüringen)

Matthias Heinze (Warner Bros. Discovery)

Petra Lemcke (SUNSHINE LIVE)

Kai Fischer (Audiotainment Südwest)

Sven Thölen (radio NRW GmbH)

Heiko Zysk (ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE)


For the Technology and Innovation Forum:
Christoph Mühleib (ASTRA Deutschland)

Judith Haker (QVC Handel LLC & Co. KG)

Coopted Member:
Frank Hoffmann (WeltN24)

Dr. Matthias Kirschenhofer (SPORT1 Medien)

NUMBER OF RADIO STATIONS BELONGING TO THE ASSOCIATION: 50 companies representing 240 private terrestrial radio stations and web channels

PERCENTAGE OF THE AUDIENCE: 70% of the total radio audience

INCOME FROM ADVERTISING: 770 million Euro (radio total)

Stromstraße 1
10555 Berlin-Mitte

TEL: (+49 030) 39 88 0-0

FAX: (+49 030) 39 88 0-148

Rue des Deux Eglises 26,
B-1000 Brussels

TEL: (+32) 2 738 76-19

EMAIL: info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)