Danske Medier

logo DANSKE MEDEIR/RADIOERNE – Organisation for local commercial radio & TV – formed in august 2005 is the only organisation in Denmark representing commercial radio. Its members consist of the overwhelming majority of local commercial radio stations in Denmark. Together with newspapers publishers, Radioerne created DANSKE MEDIER in 2013.

DANSKE MEDIER’s primary focus is to speak on behalf of its members to Government and other public institutions. It represents the members when it comes to political issues, such as re-planning of the FM band, Digital radio, frequency politics as well as questions about Public Service broadcasters.

Another focus area is the ongoing negotiations with the music rights organizations.

It is also engaged in conference activity as well as joint business forums covering the entire radio business.

Finally it represents the local commercial stations in audience research matters.

CHAIRMAN: Mr. Stig Ørskov

HEAD OF OFFICE: Mrs. Marianne Bugge Zederkof

MEMBERS: 300+ publishers, 35+ local radios


Skindergade 7
1159 Copenhagen

+45 33974000
+45 20765099

WEBSITE: www.danskemedier.dk