The Association of Athens Private Radio Broadcasters (EIIRA) is a non-profit trade body, representing the interests of the Athens-based private/commercial radio stations.
EIIRA’s main objective is to advocate for public policies in the fields of media, copyrights, taxation, telecommunications and private radio transmission. By building transparent partnerships, solid alliances and joint teams with institutions, academia, and experts, EIIRA reinforces the voice and influence of the radio sector towards policy makers, regulatory authorities and stakeholders.
EIIRA also works in promoting, enriching and developing the radio industry and the radio brand itself. Currently, EIIRA’s radio stations own a stake of more than 80% on population in Athens.
Furthermore, EIIRA, through its non-profit subsidiary, AEMAR, and by partnering with the Association of Communications Agencies (EDEE), organizes and executes the currency radio listenership research in Athens, and provides radio ratings, data and statistics to advertisers, clients and the public.
The Board of Directors of EIIRA consists of seven (7) members, and are elected by the General Assembly for a 3-year term.
The President and the Secretary General have been authorized to represent EIIRA towards authorities and institutions. The Vice-President is assigned to replace the President, when the latter is absent or prevented from attending. The Treasurer serves as a Financial Manager.
President: Panagiotis Kostakis
Vice-President: Alexandra Daskalopoulos
Secretary-General: Aggela Kakaounaki
Treasurer: Kostas Fotopoulos
Legal Advisor: Maria Kostopoulou
Communications & Public Affairs: Dimitris Konstantellos
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