AER response to the public consultation on a Proposal for an initiative on greater transparency in sponsored political content and other supporting measures

Commercial radio provides significant social and public value, reaching large and diverse audiences across Europe. Its mix of music, news, entertainment and speech is highly valued by listeners who constantly identify radio as the most trusted medium in Europe[1]. Political advertising on radio and other broadcast platforms must follow strict regulatory obligations adopted at national […]

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Celebrating the resilience of radio on World Radio Day 2021

Stefan Möller, President, Association of European Radio (AER) Based on the interview with the Croatian Radio Forum on World Radio Day 13 February 2021 “The world as we know is changing. The worldwide crisis did speed up the ongoing development. Radio adapted well during the crisis even though commercial radio took a heavy hit from […]

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AER’s perspective on the public consultation on the EU’s New Consumer Agenda

We, at AER, welcome the opportunity to give input to the consultation on the new Consumer Agenda, and in particular on the Review of the Consumer Credit Directive (CCD). Read AER’s additional response to the public consultation here.  AER’s previous feedback on the Roadmap on Consumer Credit Directive can be found here.

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AER Feedback on the Roadmap on Consumer Credit Directive

Commercial radio is funded almost entirely by advertising, enabling it to remain free-to-air and free-to access to millions of listeners. It relies on its advertising business model to be present on every platform, including online, enabling it to create content and innovate. Unnecessary restrictions on advertising should be avoided. Studies show long terms and conditions […]

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AER Position on Consumer Credit Directive (CCD)

8 April 2019 – AER’S COMMENTS ON THE REVIEW OF THE CONSUMER CREDIT DIRECTIVE (CCD) ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Advertising is already regulated by strict rules set at EU and national level, usefully complemented by self-regulation. Commercially funded radio depends almost 100% on advertising: adding advertising restrictions equates to fewer and poorer free-to-air programmes. Warning messages in radio […]

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Digital Single Market – Radio Advertising – 2015

July 2015 – Digital Single Market – Radio Advertising Advertising is already regulated by strict rules set at EU and national level, usefully complemented by self-regulation. Commercially funded radio depends almost 100% on advertising: adding advertising restrictions equates to fewer and poorer free-to-air programmes. Introducing warning messages in radio advertising is not the appropriate tool to […]

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AER Position on Gambling Advertising – 2013

2013 – AER ONE-PAGER ON GAMBLING ADVERTISING Commercially funded radio depends almost 100% on advertising: adding advertising restrictions equates to fewer and poorer free-to-air programmes. Introducing information messages in radio advertising is not the appropriate tool to enable improved consumer information, in order to allow well-informed purchase decisions. In the particular case of gambling, advertising […]

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