MPN is sponsoring AER 2019 Conference

The Musik Promotion Network (MPN) is a free research platform for music editors from the areas of radio, print, TV and internet. The platform MPN is the easiest way for finding latest releases listening and downloading tracks in full length and high quality sharing tracks with staff members. The standard sampling by the major and […]
Speakers’ line-up – AER Special Focus Workshop @RadiodaysEurope
Read all about the panel of great experts who will be speaking at AER Special Focus Workshop at Radiodays Europe! Lausanne – 31.03.2019 Alexander Erk, Sen Engineer, Head of Media Services and Applications – IRT, the Institution for Broadcasting Technology Alexander Erk, born 1971, studied Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg. […]
Is Internet reinventing broadcast radio?
AER will organise a workshop on March 31st, from 2pm until 4pm, at Radiodays Europe, the most important annual conference for radio professionals in the world, which will be held on March 31st – April 2nd, 2019, in Lausanne, Switzerland, @ SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL campus. The workshop, called “Special Focus Workshop“, will be featured […]
Radiodays Europe – Lausanne – 31/03-02/04/2019
Radiodays Europe is a pan-European radio conference created by European public and private radio broadcasters. The next one will take place from March 31st to April 2nd, 2019, in Lausanne. The conference is primarily aimed at management, middle-management and programme developers. In 2018, 1500+ radio leaders from 60+ countries took part in this pan-European radio […]
International Radio Festival
The International Radio Festival (IRF), founded in 2010, represents the world’s first and only industry conference and public on-air event, showcasing and debating the curation and business of music radio content, bringing together all stakeholders with a vested interest in the music radio industry to network, knowledge share and define programming strategies for the digital age. […]
AER Annual Conference – European Parliament – Brussels – 07/06/2018
The AER 2018 Conference, kindly hosted by Marlene Mizzi MEP (S&D), was held on Thursday, June 7th, from 10.00 until 13.00, at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. This year, the AER’s Conference was here to remind you that Radio is your trusted guide in the Digital Single Market. This event focused on how radio is […]
Radiodays Europe – Podcast Day – Copenhagen – 12/06/2018
Radiodays Europe presents: Podcast Day in Copenhagen on June 12th, 2018. The Meeting Point for the World of Podcasting The first international PODCAST DAY last year was a huge success. The PODCAST DAY is obviously meeting the needs of radio broadcasters, podcast producers and everyone interested in understanding the fast moving podcast market. This year, […]
Radiodays Europe 2018 in Vienna – with a special AER workshop organised in the context of the MediaRoad project
About Radiodays Europe itself: Radiodays Europe is a pan-European radio conference created by European public and private radio broadcasters. The conference is primarily aimed at management, middle-management and programme developers. This year, Radiodays Europe took place from March 18th to 20th, 2018, in Vienna and 1500+ radio leaders from 60+ countries took part in this […]